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Norman Medical
Newman Medical Table Top Fetal Doppler 901
Looking for a replacment for your Natus Doppler? View cross-reference chart here!
Newman Medical's DD-901 is versatile. The 901 allows for tabletop or wall mount configuration accompanied with 2 large, room-filling speakers. The DD-901 provides a crisp, bright display of the heart rate and other system information. The powerful digital processor in the DigiDop utilizes Digital Signal Clarity to eliminate background noise, amplifing a strong clear signal. True auto-correlation calculates a fast, accurate heart rate.
- Battery is rechargable.
- Superior sound quality.
- Wide variety of fetal probes with exclusive eXtended Depth – XD™ technology.
- Durability.
- 5 year warranty.
More About the Probes:
All DigiDop fetal probes provide the sensitivity and reliability you need. All probes will work on all DigiDops for maximum versatility. Our 2 and 3 MHz fetal probes utilize our exclusive eXtended Depth – XD™ technology that has increased sensitivity at closer depths without sacrificing it at deeper depths. These probes create more than six times as much signal at some depths that other probes. All our OB probes have a smooth contour design that is comfortable to hold, comfortable for the patient, and easy to clean.
2 MHz probes provide excellent deep penetration for late term pregnancy or larger patients.
3 MHz probes are especially sensitive to early fetal hearts but can also be used throughout the pregnancy.
Both 2 and 3 MHz probes are available in water proof versions for water-assisted labor and delivery. These waterproof probes can be removed from the DigiDop and replaced with a standard probe.
A variety of vascular probes can be interchangeably used with any of the DigiDops.