Arkansas Ensuring Student Safety With This New AED Law

Access to Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) can be a matter of life and death in cases of sudden cardiac arrest. Every minute that passes without defibrillation reduces the survival rate by 7-10%. This highlights the importance of having AEDs readily available in public places. In fact, studies have shown that public access defibrillation programs can increase survival rates by as much as 40%.

Arkansas has enacted a new law that requires AEDs to be placed in an indentifibale area on public university and community college campuses throughout the state. In addition, the law requires AEDs be available at school-sponsored sporting events throughout the school year. The new law adds a requirement that AEDs be available at school-sponsored sporting events for grades 7-12. 

Medsource Southwest currently offers many quality automated external defibrillators from various brands. Check them out here!

Posted in AEDs & Defibrillators.